VMD for Bangalore

VMD - Vehicle of Mass Destruction

Our own car lobby would destroy Bangalore. Wonder how? Well here are some facts for thought:

Ratan Tata's Tata Motors plans to introduce Tata Nano on Indian Roads by March 2009.

Bangalore has 4 million two-wheelers and 450,000 cars. According to the India Infrastructure Report 2006, a two wheeler occupies 10 times more road space than a bus, in terms of per capita road space utilisation. 

A car, not far from that, occupies about 7 times more road space than a Bus.

Ratan Tata plans to have atleast 10% of the two-wheeler users shift to Tata Nano.

For Bangalore, that would mean an additional 400,000 cars on top of the 450,000 that we already have.

We will have more nightmares than we can imagine!

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